3 Powerful Psalms To Read Tonight Before You Sleep

There is an estimated third of the population that struggles with sleep-related problems today. That statistic is not only staggering but growing. While there’s a plethora of reasons why this is happening (especially nowadays), one thing is sure — we need remedies! 
Fortunately there are a few things we can do to help ourselves wind down after a long day. One of my personal favorites? Read the Word of God. Yes, that’s right. Read the Bible. Not only will your soul thank you, and not only will you gain divine and eternal Wisdom, but it will also soothe your mind. 

Reading the Bible mysteriously and wonderfully puts you in a state of relaxation which, consequently, makes you sleepy! Thank You, Jesus!
So if you are looking for alternative (and healthy) ways to get more shuteye, here are 3 Most Popular Psalms For Peaceful Sleep to read before bed. I hope that as you contemplate these bedtime prayers, your mind, body and soul will surrender under the stars at last. Goodbye restlessness … and Hello sleep!

Psalm 91

It is easy for me to ward off scary thoughts during the day, but they all seem to creep in as soon as my head hits the pillow. And, fear is the enemy of sleep. This is exactly why I love Psalm 91. I have included a few of the verses in the prayer below but if you find yourself struggling to sleep due to fear, I highly recommend reading the entire chapter. This Psalm reminds us that God will not only protect us, but defend us! He reminds us that our fear does not stand a chance against His unfathomable power. 

Psalm 116

This Psalm is a must-go-to on sleepless nights. Say it slowly, either audibly or in your mind, and really think about the words. You will quickly be reminded of how good the Lord is … and your soul will find rest. We all have experienced much of His goodness, provision and grace in our lives (just think about all the good God has done for you!). Combined with the utmost gratitude for your Heavenly Father, this verse will give you a peace that relaxes your entire being and you will soon find yourself really and truly letting it all go. 

Psalm 4

After a long day of must-do’s and taking care of others, you deserve that much needed R&R. But unfortunately, that is often a lot easier said than done. Ironically, the more busy of a day I have had … the more challenging it is to wind down and fall asleep. My mind races with everything that happened that day, and what may happen tomorrow. Uff, there is nothing worse than trying to fall asleep with a fearful, restless and wandering Spirit. It is during these nights I love to pull out Psalm 4. I am reminded once again that God is in control and I can fully trust in Him. And that is exactly the kind of truth we can sleep on! 

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